I won a blog award from MissouriScrapper! I am so excited! Thanks Missouriscrapper!
For those who I have given this award to, here are the rules:
1. Post the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who gave you tha award.
3. Nominate 7 other bloggers who you think deserve it.
4. Add links to their blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on your nominees blogs.
I have awarded this to:
A.Go's Craftomonium
Scrappindad's Scribbles
Capadia Designs
The Barefoot Scrapper
Scrappin Cricut
Dsney Dreamer Designs
All of these blogs can be found in my blog list to the left.
Thanks for looking!
Well deserved! Your blog is so much fun to read. I am so happy for you!
And would you let your husband know how much Saige & I at Everything Cricut appreciate his service to our country? We truly are indebted to your husband and men & women like him who give up so much so that we can remain a truly free country.
Take care & have a wonderful rest of the weekend!
--Gracie (and Saige!) at EverythingCricut.blogspot.com
By the way -- thank you SO MUCH for adding me to your blog list!
--Gracie at EverythingCricut.blogspot.com
Thnak you so much for my award. I am very honored. Also thanks for all of your help & linking me to your blog.
Thank you for the award. I am honored that you have thought of me. I just don't know who to pass it on to now. Everyone I know has already been nominated.
Thanks so much for the Award! I am very honored! I have only been blogging for a couple of weeks but let me tell you, It is very addictive! Now, hopefully I can figure out how to link and pass the award on! Have a wonderful day and enjoy your husband being home! Be sure to tell him THANK YOU!! Congrats!
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